Tag Archives: moms

Sex Ed in Schools

E21 – Puberty, BO and penis, oh my. Mouse’s kids are going through sex ed in their health classes so we hear what they have to say. The twelve year old also talks about a transgender student and Mouse relates community concerns. We recall our own sex ed schooling and compare memories and PMS patterns. Join in to discuss parent porn fears and how you learned where babies come from.

Cropdusting, horoscopes, and grandparents’ boobs

Ep2 – It’s time for girls to take back their bowels loud and proud! Hear about Mouse’s embarrassing gas, Weens art of cropdusting, and judgy moms. We recall some passive-aggressive stories, sprinkle in some horoscope talk, then delve right into the deep, deep subject of grandparents, sexy movies, and boobs! www.MouseAndWeens.com